Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox Portable Box Image
Mozilla Firefox  is one of the best browsers in the world, although it still works with flash player and in more than one occasion it blocks when you open more than 2 videos on YouTube.
It has certain  benefits and plugins  that its main competitor (Chrome), does not yet have, as it is the Fox Replace plugin that you can not find in the Chrome extension library, this tool is very useful when you use pages in html, this is Because it allows you to change a certain word for another, create me when I tell you to test several extensions similar to fox replace in Chrome and yet, none offered the management and facilities provided by this plugin.
Also Inspect Element that is within the  Submenu Web Developer , in the Tools menu is much better than Chrome, this is because in Chrome if you click on inspect on any item in the navigation window immediately the page is out of line Adopting a responsive design, if you change it to PC you will see that the design of the page is not the same.
Also Mozilla Firefox is better in terms of the  navigation tabs , you can open up to 30 tabs and go from one to the other without having to wait for it to reload, if the connection is lost the data remains, however in Chrome the tab change to one that says "Lost Connection" and shows nothing at all, whichever form you are filling is lost instantly and you will have to fill out that form again.
Principal functions
  • Especially if you have countless plugins that  facilitate the interaction  person - navigation on the Internet.
  • You can add bookmarks by simply dragging a tab to the bookmarks bar or to the bookmark organizer.
  • The  code is free  if you know of programming you can modify your own  browser
  • You can navigate in  incognito mode  with adblock plus activated, something that chrome does not allow
  • Many pages still use adobe flash, when you use chrome, you have to establish those permissions and believe me they are difficult to find.
  • The option to upload with ajax is very popular in firefox, the opposite happens with chrome
  • While there are many projects on github that are compatible with mozilla.
  • To be more specific everything that has to do with  Greasemonkey
  • Finally the only bad thing is that flash is failing is the only thing that makes me despair sometimes
  • Official site
  • Mozilla Firefox Portable



Hi, it's me Hafeez. A web developer, developer of blogspot and UI / UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest author and front-end developer. I am a business speaker, marketer, Blogger programmer and Javascript.

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