Comodo IceDragon

Comodo IceDragon Box Image
I recently installed the Comodo Dragon Web Browser version that turned out to be based on Cromiun (the programming base code with which the Google Chrome browser was created), well today I'll talk about  Comodo IceDragon , which was compiled with the Mozilla databases Firefox, I prefer more to Mozilla than Chrome, it's a matter of taste and maybe because before knowing Chrome I had already become familiar with Mozilla.
Now even when it blocks a lot with the flash player I'm still waiting for it to be  resolved , some years have passed and every time I lose hope, this is why when I read that there is a browser that was also based on Mozilla, do not hesitate to try it, I really hope that it solves that problem.
Comodo IceDragon is  compatible with most of the plugins of Mozilla Firefox , something that left me satisfied, try to install the imagehost add-on grabber but unfortunately the message "This add-on could not be installed because it has not been verified" appeared, so always if I have to continue using Palemoon for this plugin.
Like Mozilla Firefox, IceDragon uses a process when navigating, the name of processes appears as icedragon.exe, I have 700 kb with 7 windows open on YouTube and the screen does not show signs of blocking, something I like very much, because in mozilla with 3 it slows down excessively.
I will have to install my addons and load all my markers that are more than 2000 to verify if I am left with Icedragon. But after doing some tests I can say that I am satisfied because in this browser the problem of incompatibility of the sites that I visit commonly and whose sites are blocked in mozilla for some instants, does not happen in Icedragon.
Avoid the loading of tabs when they tend to be more than three, a point in favor for this browser. However, it does not support the imagehost plugin included in palemoon browser. In conclusion, it works stably and goes fast.
I also encourage you to install it and comment on your own experiences in the comments box.
Principal functions
  • Mostly it works correctly in some places where firefox tends to lock.
  • It only uses one process for all the tabs that are opened in this browser.
  • It offers multi-language support and Spanish may be the default language in this browser.
  • Before installing, you can select the portable or complete version.
  • It also has the option of personalized navigation.
  • As a result: it offers high loading speed in pages, making this browser unique.
  • However, it executes all the extensions of firefox which is great.
  • Includes site inspector to prevent viral sites from opening.
  • It allows to use the mozilla firefox kernel.
  • Official site
  • Comodo IceDragon



Hi, it's me Hafeez. A web developer, developer of blogspot and UI / UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest author and front-end developer. I am a business speaker, marketer, Blogger programmer and Javascript.

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