
Wifislax Final Box Image
Wifislax  is a program that serves to hack your neighbor's Internet, usually works as a password tester, attacking innumerable times with innumerable combinations of words to find the password to access the connection that is attacking, sometimes based on a list of passwords. something that many know as a dictionary, but a dictionary contains a long list of possible combinations of words to attack a network.
The smaller your protection that is being  Wep, Wpa, Wpa2 and Wpa2-Psk , the quicker you will obtain that password. This is why people who have certain notions of computing always configure the protection of their modems with  WPA2 or WPA2-PSK , simply because the password is longer, alphanumeric and in some cases comes with symbols $% & $ ()) =, which makes it more difficult to obtain them, not impossible, but the time it takes to remove them is longer, which makes the attacker bored and go to attack another network.
Also if you use  Linset , it launches an attack on the router, deactivates it and all users who were connected will not have  access , in turn the program creates a clone of the network where all users will try to connect, typing the password in that network and therefore the program obtains the data, closes the created network and allows the users to reconnect.
Wifislax  works with linux  but you do not need to format your hard drive to install it, since it works like a lite cd, you can upload to that program by configuring the bios without installing it.
[inf fcp = "Main Functions"]
  • Above all it brings several programs for  brute force attack .
  • While it includes programs that only focus on attacking WPS, others more for WPA2.
  • Therefore also different programs all focused on the  scanning of networks .
  • When using a network scanner, it will show you if you have users connected through the ESSID column  .
  • There are countless tutorials on how to use Wifislax so you will not have problems using it unless you do not want to.
  • It can be installed as a  virtual machine  or recorded from a USB memory
  • Multiple tools that allow the  analysis of networks  , in some cases deciphering the keys.
  • Official site
  • WifiSlax



Hi, it's me Hafeez. A web developer, developer of blogspot and UI / UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest author and front-end developer. I am a business speaker, marketer, Blogger programmer and Javascript.

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