First of all we will talk about RedFox AnyDVD HD allows the creation of copies as backup on our DVD drives, Blue-Ray eliminating the security to allow its backup which is great for most users. Above all, it offers the best performance in comparison with other software that fulfills these functions, because it adds completely useful functions facilitating the copying of our discs.
However this powerful tool is able to force and disable the subtitles and marks contained within your DVD, so it allows you to start the disc from external applications after inserting it as well as to remove it. While it also offers the possibility to control the speed of our disk, which is great if you want to modify the noise level or display the image on the screen.
Principal functions
Above all, your work procedure is much easier and faster , without needing to know the file better.
However, it offers compatibility with a variety of image formats, expanding the recording work field.
Either through support for NTSC and PAL formats that was added
While through its ability to remove items as mandatory captions offering impressive backup results.
Compatibility with a variety of drivers offering greater compatibility
The possibility of a copy of an audio CD with lock
However now through its coordination with other programs like CloneDVD Burn it will be much easier to work.
Finally, it offers full support through the English language offered.
Above all, it is responsible for eliminating prohibitions of the user giving access to the disk without having to go through a menu.
It includes friendly and simple interface offering multiple tools for the process of discs achieving backup objective.
Eliminate screen protections in the background providing access practically when inserting our DVD.
Official site
RedFox AnyDVD HD
Hi, it's me Hafeez. A web developer, developer of blogspot and UI / UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest author and front-end developer. I am a business speaker, marketer, Blogger programmer and Javascript.
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