ImDisk helps you to create a RAM (Virtual) drive, which will increase the performance of your windows, you can accelerate browsing for example in mozilla firefox, you can search for a tutorial, it's something old, but the steps are the same after of having installed the virtual unit, with the current version, not only serves for browsers, but also optimize photoshop, Google Earth cache and any application that consumes many resources.
What ImDisk does is that it takes a part of your RAM, if you have 4 Gb in a 32-bit system, you can verify that you are not really using all your RAM, if you do not believe me, then check the properties of your PC and then verify how much you actually occupy, comment if I'm wrong, because you can take 1 Gb of that RAM and mount it on the computer for this purpose, if you have for example 16 GB in a 64-bit system, then it is recommended that you use 4 GB, they understood me use the 4th part of what they have.
If you are really interested in using this program I will advise you to follow the following tutorial that is well explained.
ImDisk is a free software, you can download it where it says Official Site, by the way sourceforge is one of the few pages that do not install those annoying bars that bring malicious malware, it is very reliable or if you want to download them in mega, the pack already brings CrystalDiskMark in the links below, you can also download the portable (CrystalDiskMark) in the second official site link.
Principal functions
First ImDisk creates virtual drives in your system.
Especially with them you can accelerate the loading of your browsers.
Therefore, the cache can be saved even if you restart your computer.
However with the Optimizaras all program that consumes a lot of resources.
Finally it uses RAM memory that is inactive.
Official site
Hi, it's me Hafeez. A web developer, developer of blogspot and UI / UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest author and front-end developer. I am a business speaker, marketer, Blogger programmer and Javascript.
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