Free Video to Gif Converter

Free Video to Gif Converter Box Image
It is a very useful tool for when we want to  extract a gif  from a specific part of a video or a specific movie, you just have to add any video in any format ( Free Video to Gif Converter  supports a wide variety of  formats ), after have loaded this video, you will be shown some details of it such as: the  duration of your video  and the resolution of the video, it is important to remember that the better the quality of the video, the better quality of our  animated gif .
The options are quite intuitive, you will be shown a few boxes that ask you to specify from which minute and second you want to start your  animation  (00:00:00 - hours: minutes: seconds), you also have to specify the time in minutes and seconds in that will finish your extraction, for example, we will start in 00:01:23 and we will end in 00:01:43, then we will specify how wide and high the extraction of the animated gif will be, (You can not exceed more than 999 pixels), so general gifs come in 640 x 480, but you can try several sizes and of course Free Video to Gif Converter will extract them, then you just have to click on next.
With respect to the  option Extract  (10 frames per second), it refers to how many frames you want to be extracted per second, if you choose 20 then the resulting weight will be large, as well as the editing speed will be longer. So it is recommended to leave it by default and click on next.
As a result then it will only be a matter of choosing Excelent Quality to create your gif, if you want to delete some frames you can do it with the remove button, but if you are going to refine it with Gif Movie Gear then it is advisable to just click on Make Gif. The quality of your final file will be as good as the quality of the original video.
Principal functions
  • First of all the  quality of the gif  is the same as that of the video.
  • However you can extract gifs in any  resolution  less than 999 pixels.
  • As a result in less than 2 minutes you can  extract a new Gif .
  • You can click on back to choose a new extraction.
  • Compatible with Windows 7 and later versions.
  • Official site
  • Free Video to Gif Converter



Hi, it's me Hafeez. A web developer, developer of blogspot and UI / UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest author and front-end developer. I am a business speaker, marketer, Blogger programmer and Javascript.

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