Dr Web Anti-virus Security Space is in constant work, it runs in the background and at the same time it will keep scanning all activity that you perform on your computer, for example when you browse the internet, it will warn you that you are entering a malicious page, scan the extensions and plugins within it. It will detect any toolbar that is running without your permission.
Programs that contain viruses in their installation folders ( Patchs, Cracks, Trojans ), will detect them and show which of them has a virus, or work in a suspicious way, shows you the options to delete, quarantine and ask you how you want to proceed? ?
If they download a compressed file, Dr.Web will detect it, scan it automatically in search of any malicious file and the same will cancel it if, if it is.
Block all activity that any malware is running without your knowledge, this is how you will detect it and then block these applications, which are making unwanted changes without you knowing.
It has an android application and can download it from the playstore. Protects the system against threats after downloading files using a mobile device. It offers same functions that allow to scan operating system, analysis of new downloaded applications
Principal functions
First of all, most programs offer intuitive interface after updates improving the appearance of the user effectively.
Above all it shows you tips every time you start the antivirus (How you should protect your system ).
However, it can regulate files during work and can even protect itself from threats inside the computer that contain the files.
While parents can set the time to use for more parental control towards their children.
Especially something that is great is the ability to copy your account parental account.
Finally it offers new rootkit now you can control and eliminate its threats reliably ( rootkits, bootkits , etc.)
Official site
Dr Web Anti-virus Security Space
Hi, it's me Hafeez. A web developer, developer of blogspot and UI / UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest author and front-end developer. I am a business speaker, marketer, Blogger programmer and Javascript.
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