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Aimp  is of Russian manufacture, it is a very complete player, but it specializes only in audio files, files with mp3 format that is the most common, but if you access its options menu you will see the large list of formats it accepts, its list covers at least 100 formats, many of those formats are not played by windows media player, formats such as .kar, .it, .m4b, .flac, .ape, .mod, .mpc and the list is somewhat extensive.
If you like to  listen to the  Rock genre at full volume and you feel that your songs are missing sound that is not the same as you listen to other equipment, you can access the audio equalizer and select the predefined settings for rock, you will see that the changes they will be very satisfactory, if you still do not like it you can modify the values ​​with the equalizer that comes in the DSP administrator, you can also modify the sound values ​​such as echo, reverb, chorus, bass, speed, tone and balance .
Aimp also  brings many predefined themes  (you can identify them with the .acs3 extension), which you can use if the theme that comes by default in your interface does not like you, just double click and instantly activate any topic you like. , in the official site of Aimp there are also more themes that you can download for free, you just have to move to the folder skins that is inside your installation folder and ready, you will have them in your library of topics instantly.
Principal functions
  • Aimp also allows you to  drag folders directly to your playlist  and your system
  • Above all, it will detect which files can be reproduced, excluding text and image files.
  • It allows you to  play any audio track online , you just have to add the url in the icon that shows a + sign, as long as the url ends with .mp3, .wma, .acc.
  • Bring a tag editor in which you can specify certain meta-data or let aimp fill them in automatically.
  • It brings several presets preset by the system for different categories in its equalizer.
  • Its library of skins is very extensive, it has hundreds of very nice skins in sight.
  • You can  modify the colors of the controls  of any skin / predefined theme.
  • You can configure the keyboard shortcuts in the preferences.
  • Official site
  • AIMP



Hi, it's me Hafeez. A web developer, developer of blogspot and UI / UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest author and front-end developer. I am a business speaker, marketer, Blogger programmer and Javascript.

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