Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 has taken a liking to the panel of properties that we can commonly see in photoshop, I mean the one that is above where the layers are, this is very important because if we import an image (A vector) and then we choose the selection tool and we are going to select some object, then the nodes that make up that object will be shown and leave the background aside. For example, if we select a bird flying in the sky, then only the bird will be selected and the blue sky will not be touched at all.
The most relevant thing is that when working on vectors if we want to change the position of our animated characters, we will not have to create a new movement, by drawing a new position, we just select the character we want to move to one side, up , make your face, arms, legs or hands move, then just select the character, then choose the Deformation Tool free position , then click on any position that we want to move, for example hands, we will create a point reference in black, well if we click on that point and drag to the side then the hand will move as we move to the mouse.
Only for this tool is worth installing this program, you can make cartoons that will move continuously, without the need to create several sketches, I think it saves you twice as much work. Also included is lorem ipsum , which is the filler text most commonly used in the creation of websites, it is a filler text, which will help us to add text to our designs, if we can not think of something to write, we will have it in automatic, the description that I explain is minimal with my basic knowledge, there are more advanced concepts that you can perform and of course more new features are included, not just the ones mentioned.
Principal functions
The main function of Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 is the work on vectors .
It has the ability to expand the window and work with about 1000 work tables.
You can work with glyphs and emoticons, in the same way as when you work with editable letters or fonts.
You can also now modify the look of your vectorized characters with a tool called free position deformation.
We can convert our figures to vectors. For example: emoticons, making a more attractive design.
It includes variations of the sources that we have in our folder, this always changes after each execution of the program.
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Hi, it's me Hafeez. A web developer, developer of blogspot and UI / UX Designer. I am a certified Themeforest author and front-end developer. I am a business speaker, marketer, Blogger programmer and Javascript.
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